
How to install Pinta on ubuntu 16.04?

Pinta is image editing tool much like photoshop or gimp and is available for most of operating systems. This tutorial is for installing pinta on linux mainly Ubuntu 16.04.

Here is how to do it.
  1. First we add repository for Pinta to install.
  2. Press "CTRL + ALT + t" to open terminal/terminator
  3. type in "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pinta-maintainers/pinta-stable" 
    1. Note: Instead of pinta-stable you can add pinta-daily if you like to test latest and the greatest Pinta, but it may be buggy.
  4. Update system package lists: "sudo apt-get update" 
  5. Install pinta: "sudo apt-get install pinta"

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