
Discuss the difference between the InnoDb and MyISAM. Why would you use one over the other when creating a table?

InnoDB and MyISAM are both storage engines for MySQL with their Pros and Cons.
  1. gives ACID property with transaction support.
  2. Lock are integerated at row level such that a query working on one row will not lock the entire table from letting other query work on other row.
  3. Supports Foriegn Key constraints
  4. Resistive to table corruption
  5. buffer pools and indexes are very large

  1. Supports full text search
  2. Easy to learn for beginners
  3. Faster than InnoDB due to table level locks
  4. Completey read intensive.

MyISAM is used when your application doesn't have too many CRUD operations, which in later stages of application development may become troublesome to manage. Although obsolete, MyISAM is still preffered for development of many applications due to its speed.
On the other hand, InnoDB is more secure and reliable in terms of data protection. Due to row level locks, all the ACID and CRUD operations can be performed smoothly without worrying about locks on table. Although  previous versions of InnoDB did not support full-text search feature, MySQL 5.6 and above have incorporated this feature. This allows full text search features to be built effectively and creatively in the application.

Original from CoachCrocodile

How to install Pinta on ubuntu 16.04?

Pinta is image editing tool much like photoshop or gimp and is available for most of operating systems. This tutorial is for installing pinta on linux mainly Ubuntu 16.04.

Here is how to do it.
  1. First we add repository for Pinta to install.
  2. Press "CTRL + ALT + t" to open terminal/terminator
  3. type in "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pinta-maintainers/pinta-stable" 
    1. Note: Instead of pinta-stable you can add pinta-daily if you like to test latest and the greatest Pinta, but it may be buggy.
  4. Update system package lists: "sudo apt-get update" 
  5. Install pinta: "sudo apt-get install pinta"

How to install Pycharm with umake on ubuntu 16.04

Pycharm is amazing IDE for Python development and companies like HP, Symantec, Twitter, Pinterest, Workiva and many more others use Pycharm as development IDE for Python. Pycharm run on Java so in order to install Pycharm you must have installed Java. At the time if writing this, I was using Pycharm 2016.2 with python 2.7

Although there are many ways to install Pycharm ranging from bash installation to repository installations. I am going to use a particular repository that I believe is most trustworthy and also believe that it is provided by Ubundu developers. It is called umake. In order to install pycharm, we first need to install a tool called umake. Umake lets you install various IDEs without much of a problem and best thing about it is that it is provided by Ubuntu developers.Pycharm installation from umake is so easy that you will forget all other options of installation easily after this.

Here is how to do this.

Follow these steps:
    1. Open terminal/terminator by pressing "CTRL + ALT + t"
    2. type in "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-desktop/ubuntu-make" and press Enter
    3. Provide password and press Enter
    4. Wait for it to finish
    5. Now type in "sudo apt-get update"
    6. wait for it to finish
    7. Now type in "sudo apt-get install umake" 
    8. Press Y when asked
    9. wait for it to finish installation
    10. Now type in "umake ide pycharm-community" for Pycharm community edition and "umake ide pycharm-professional" for Pycharm Professional edition.
    11. Wait for it to finish download and install
    12. wait for it... 
    13. here you are Pycharm is installed
    14. To run pycharm, click the PC icon on your icons at the left side pin where a new icon has appeared. Or Search it in applications.

How to install HTOP - terminal based task manager on Ubuntu 16.04

HTOP is a popular task manager for Linux Commandline interface. It even allows you to stop certain tasks as well as start them along with many other options.
Before we move on, a suggestion is that HTOP looks, feels and works best with Terminator. Here is how to install Terminator.

Here is how to install Terminator:
  1. Open Terminal/Terminator with "CTRL + ALT +t"
  2. Type "sudo apt-get install htop" in Terminal/Terminator
  3. provide password
  4. Follow the instructions
  5. wait for it...
  6. here you are... HTOP is installed
  7. To open HTOP, type "htop" in command line and enjoy the fun features
Also, HTOP is the best task manager there is for command-line interface of linux.

How to install Terminator on Ubuntu 16.04

Terminator is amazing tool for developers on Linux. Today we are going to install Terminator on Ubuntu 16.04

  1. Open Terminal by pressing "CTRL+ALT+t"
  2. insert the command "sudo apt-get install terminator"
  3. wait for it...
  4. here you are.. Terminator is installed.
  5. close the Terminal
  6. Now open terminator by pressing "CTRL+ALT+t"
 Thank you