
Beautifying your Terminal in Linux

 Hi Noonari, long time no see.

So this is about how you can increase your productivity by reducing clutter in your terminal. It may not be up to your test in future but trust me when I am writing this for you, this had mind blowing productivity results. 

  1. So here's the deal. You are deep in the repositories. And here you have to write some crazy long command on terminal. What would happen, it will jump to new line and destroy your readability. Here is how you can reduce the path of entire set of directories to just current directory.
                add PROMPT_DIRTRIM=1 to your .bashrc file.

  2. you also need to install fish. As this is going to be amazing for your future self. Then fish_config to open browser based configuration of fish.

  3. You need to find something in terminal for example a command that you ran but you do not know what it was. What you would normally do is press CTRL+r and keep on pressing them until you find it, right? Now you do not have to do this. But just press CTRL+r once and scroll through the commands with arrow keys using this

    git clone --depth 1 ~/.fzf && ~/.fzf/install

With this today's lecture ends. Now remember Noonari, you will keep on receiving more of these for you to use in future. I will keep on typing that I can for you here. Stay sharp and stay hungry. Thats how you got this much of success in career.